Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Monday is new Sunday!

Now it has been almost two years since I left my corporate job and living an entrepreneur's life. Just the other day one of my clients came down from US and was on a tight schedule. Being an extremely sincere person about the work that we have embarked on together, he was eager to catch up with me in person. So far so good ... the only problem being only Sunday was possible on his calendar. We quickly agreed and I decided to drive down to Mumbai which is about two and half hours drive from Pune - where I stay.

There is nothing out of the place about catching up work on a Sunday - all my friends who have spent enough time in the corporate world would acknowledge doing it with varying frequency. I myself must have done it 'n' times! If not actual work have travelled a zillion times on Sunday to save that precious working day!! What surprised me this time though was my own reaction to the situation - I was quite at peace with it without any sense of guilt. Yes - though I've always worked whenever  required on weekends, deep down somewhere it was never a preference as weekends was the only time one looked forward to spending with family, enjoying the process of your kids growing up! I would be hypocrite if I deny the sense of guilt every time I lived on the time borrowed from my wife and kids!

Being an entrepreneur has been a kind of emotionally liberating experience. Well, when you set up something on your own you are CEO - Chief Everything Officer - running from pillar to post developing you ideas, selling them, delivering on your promises to everyone including yourself ... and of course towing in line with your accountant with all 9 yards that come with it! But amidst all this chaos there is some peace - guess because you are purely working on your conviction and not in a mode to be answerable to someone at each step! Well, I don't want to romanticise entrepreneurship because it's too early for  me and life prior to entrepreneurship was also life I had chosen!!

Avoiding any unfair comparisons I would just say that I'm enjoying this as I've always been a fan of little unstructured life. This life gives me those little spaces hitherto unexplored! Working hard long hours has never been an issue - on the contrary always been a joy but it's great to then just start little lazy next day, catch up half an hour with your son and hear the fascinating stories about how he is going to play the next match, drop your daughter to college, hear her gossip and then just chill out with your life'n'business partner over a cup of chai (tea)- somehow these little spaces charge my batteries quickly than anything else in the world! If I don't get these spaces regularly I can feel extremely uncomfortable however good I'm doing professionally. May be it has got nothing to do with being in a job or entrepreneurship but it's just about finding those little spaces - a flexibility of moving your Sunday to Monday and vice-a-versa. May be its my infatuation for abstract and unstructured stuff. Converting your Monday into Sunday has been an interesting experience so far ... more of it later - have to catch up the daily Soap on TV I'm regularly following up with my wife ....


  1. Very well written Yogesh, coming truly from your heart! Good luck with your endeavors; knowing you, I am sure you will do well! - Bhuvan

    1. Thank you so much Bhuvan for your wishes ��

  2. Very well written Yogesh, truely coming from heart and very informal, nice

  3. A delight to read your blog after a long time! Always been a fan, please keep this flowing!
