Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Entrepreneurship and mindfulness

 When I thought of entrepreneurship, I knew that executive coaching will be a crucial part of it. During my training as a coach, I took a lot of time  practicing being in the moment- what is generally termed as mindfulness. More than learning it, the challenge was giving up old ways that had served so well so long! The natural ability to assess and anticipate was coming in the way. Being in the moment without any judgement or prejudice is key to success in coaching. Rather than responding to a moment when it actually happens, sometimes we react to what we anticipate - not the best of ways to deal with the opportunity. Easier said than done though!

Just like charity integity begins at home! Integrity is all about alignment in what you believe, say and act. I decided to follow the principle of mindfulness about my own situation as that was what I was going to practice while coaching people. As I was getting in my entrepreneurship I was absolutely clear about "why" I was getting in it. How exactly I would start was not clear to me yet! My middle class value system also did not allow me to make any business plan and related activities while I was still paid my salary. I worked for a company which was acclaimed for its planning and project management and I had colleagues who happened to be excellent human beings. About two weeks before my scheduled last day in the company, one of my colleagues asked me "So, what's your business plan ?" He asked it out of genuine concern but I had no answer! When he realised the situation I could see that he was worried for me. "Well,  I've some hypothesis and I will start checking it once I'm in field. Till then I've just let it known to people that I'm starting on my own". My answer perhaps made him worry even more and his "All the best" was dripping with concern.

By then somehow I had gone closer to the state of mindfulness and decided to enjoy my last few days of employment. I genuinely thought that I'll figure something out because my reason for getting into entrepreneurship was so clear in my mind....

Well, to cut a long story short, I got a query just before my last day in employment and on first day of my entrepreneurship, I was traveling for a billable assignment! A lot has happened since then and I'm still figuring my way but I guess as long as answer to my "why" is clear, I've a guiding star to follow - more about it later :-)

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